Ok, last night was so fun!!!! There was food and prizes and giveaways. Any way at around 11:30 Walmart brought out 2 huge shelve cart thingys and everybody gathered around them. Luckily I got a spot in the front so I knew I was going to get a DVD. But the awesome thing is that, well they had just the movie and then the 2 disk special edition.
There was only 32 special edition ones and they were all on one side. I was on that side!!! But the cool thing is that the cart was wrapped in like saran wrap or somthing and there was holes in it so i already had my hands on 2 special edition DVDs ( one for me and one for my cousin).
Anyway they screamed go at 12:01 and everybody started pushing. I already had my 2 DVDs and I was like trapped in the middle of everything. So the regular ones were 17$ and the special edition ones were $24.96, but get this, the special edition were on sale for that one night, only $17.97!!!! So everybody wanted one seeing their low price but it was totally awesome!!!!!!!
So after that I came home around 1 and watched Twilight till like 3 in the morning and today or maybe tonight I am gonna watch the special features and stuff becasue I got the 2 disk special editio.